Cardinal Newman Parents, Guardians, and Students,
Happy Friday, Happy Holidays, and Merry Christmas! The Administration, Faculty, and Staff wish everyone the most wonderful Christmas Break. Congratulations on successfully completing the Fall Semester '22 and working with CNHS to navigate academics, athletics, absences, and school-related activities.
This was only possible through our collective efforts; for that, I am proud of the Cardinal Newman High School community. We will remain steadfast in our commitment to the mission of CNHS throughout the Spring Semester and will continue to work in support of your student(s).
In closing, I would like to share with you the words of Pope Francis from his Homily on the 14th of December, "Brothers and sisters, I say to you: there is so much suffering in Ukraine, so much, so much! And I would like to draw some attention to the coming Christmas, even the holidays. It's nice to celebrate Christmas, to have parties... but let's lower the level of Christmas spending a bit – that's what they're called. Let's have a more humble Christmas, with more humble gifts. We send what we save to the Ukrainian people, who are in need, who suffer so much; They are hungry, they feel the cold and many die because there are no doctors, nurses at hand. Let us not forget: a Christmas, yes; at peace with the Lord, yes, but with Ukrainians in their hearts. And let's make that concrete gesture for them." Please keep the spirit of peace within your hearts as you celebrate with your friends and family.
With school out until Wednesday, the 4th of January, my wish is that you can rejuvenate yourself throughout our break and that you return in 2023 excited for all that is to come.
With many blessings,
Nicholas Reynolds