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flag football squad in cardinal jerseys huddle up on the field

Athletics: Building Body, Mind, and Soul

Our Athletic Program is about more than just winning; it's about building character. As part of a team, our students learn the value of hard work, dedication, and teamwork..

At Cardinal Newman, we believe that a well-rounded education involves the development of the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. Our athletic programs offer a unique opportunity to nurture these aspects of student growth.

Through athletics, students learn valuable life lessons such as teamwork, discipline, perseverance, and sportsmanship. These experiences help them build character, develop confidence, and grow in their faith. Our coaches and staff are committed to creating a positive and supportive environment where students can thrive both athletically and spiritually.

Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting out, our programs offer a variety of opportunities to participate and excel. Join us and discover the transformative power of athletics at Cardinal Newman.

For Athletics news, scores, photos, rankings, and more, please visit our main Athletics page:

CN Athletics Site

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Sports Clearance Process

Required elements to be eligible to participate in Cardinal Newman Athletics:

  • Cardinal Newman uses an online platform called SportsNet for all of the sports clearance paperwork.  On this platform you will be able to fill out all of the clearance paperwork except for the physical form portion that must be filled out and signed by a physician. You will also be asked to fill out emergency contact information and health history questions to allow the athletic department to digitally create emergency travel cards for each sports team/ coach. Please click HERE for an instructional letter that will walk you through how to create your account.

    A physical that is dated after June 1st of the current academic year that is signed by a medical doctor (MD/DO).

  • Have all of the following forms signed and submitted on the SportsNet profile:
    • NCS Ejection Policy
    • Cardiac Care Information Sheet
    • Concussion Information Sheet
    • Authorization for Sports Medicine Treatment Sheet
    • Authorization, Acknowledgement, and Consent for Participation Sheet


Sports Clearance Process