School Counseling
Cardinal Newman's School Counselors provide comprehensive counseling and wellness services to meet the personal/social, academic, and college/career counseling needs of each student.
Our School Counselors:
- Work with students and their families to help them navigate their way through the high school experience. Our Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Certified Counselors offer our students and families comprehensive and confidential professional counseling.
- Oversee academic progress to help students and plan a course of studies that fulfills their graduation requirements.
- Provide the guidance to help each student reach their academic potential
- Provide personal counseling when the support is needed, with an open-door policy that encourages students and their families to talk about the issues that directly affect student personal growth and academic progress.
Services Include:
- Reviewing grade reports and consulting with students facing academic difficulties
- Course planning and selection
- Tutoring resources
- Mediate conflicts with faculty and staff
- Individual and group counseling; crisis intervention
- College planning
- Family relationship counseling
- Career decision support
- Counseling support for substance use and abuse, grief and bereavement, relationship challenges, peer conflict mediation, personal development, and emotional difficulties.
Counselors can arrange referrals for the following:
- Chemical dependency
- Family counseling
- Personal counseling
- Educational diagnosis & remediation
- Tutoring