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Emergency Plan

Student Safety is Our Top Priority

Cardinal Newman High School is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for all students. To ensure a swift response in emergency situations, we've implemented a comprehensive response protocol.

How We'll Keep You Informed

  • Emergency Alerts: In case of an emergency, we'll send immediate notifications directly to your email and mobile phone.
  • Incident Updates: Throughout the incident, we'll provide updates as possible on the situation and any necessary actions you should take.

Ensure You're Connected

  • Update Contact Information: Please make sure we your cell phone number is correct in Blackbaud.
  • Sign Up for Alerts: If you haven't already, sign up for our emergency alert system to receive timely notifications.  Contact for information on how to opt-in to Emergency Alerts.

Standard Response Protocol

Cardinal Newman High School uses the following Standard Response Protocol for Emergencies and Drills:

What is HOLD?
Wait in our classroom or workspace
Students are trained to:
• Clear the hallways and remain in their area or room until the “All Clear” is announced
• Business as usual

Adults and staff are trained to:
• Close and lock the door
• Account for students and adults
• Business as usual

What is SECURE?
Get Inside. Lock outside doors

Students are trained to:
• Return to inside of building
• Business as usual

Adults and staff are trained to:
• Bring everyone indoors, lock the outside doors
• Increase situational awareness, account for students and adults
•Business as usual

Lock doors, turn off lights, stay out of sight

Students are trained to:
• Move away from sight
• Maintain silence
• Do not open the door

Adults and staff are trained to:
• Recover students from hallway if possible
• Lock the classroom door
• Turn out the lights
• Move away from sight
• Maintain silence
• Do not open the door
• Prepare to evade or defend

Follow the lead of the instructor, move quickly and quietly to designated area

Students are trained to:
• Leave stuff behind if required (if possible, bring their phone)
• Follow instructions

Adults and staff are trained to:
• Bring roll sheet and Go Bag (unless instructed not to bring anything with them, dependent on reason for evacuation.)
• Lead students to Evacuation location
• Account for students and adults
• Report injuries or problems using Red Card/Green Card method.

What is SHELTER?
“State Hazard and Safety Strategy” Hazards might include:
• Hazmat, Earthquake, Tsunami

Safety Strategies might include:
• Evacuate to shelter area
• Seal the room
• Drop, cover and hold
• Get to high ground

Students are trained in:
• Appropriate Hazards and Safety Strategies

Adults and staff are trained in:
• Appropriate Hazards and Safety Strategies
• Accounting for students and adults
• Report injuries or problems using Red Card/Green Card method.


We ask all families to follow these guidelines in times of emergency:

Please do not call the school. During an emergency, telephone and cell phone communications must be open for emergency first responders. 

Please do not drive to school. Traffic congestion can block or delay access for emergency response vehicles. Understand that all faculty, staff, and first responders are focused on student safety, and we will make reunification plans as soon as possible.

In an emergency, the school must know the whereabouts of every person. We will use telephone, text, and email to contact parents. If a reunification process is necessary, please be patient and bring identification. We must note the release of students to their parents, guardians, or an adult listed on the student’s emergency card. We will remain with students until everyone is picked up.

Emergency Preparation

To ensure the safety of our students, faculty, and staff, we conduct regular emergency drills throughout the year, including fire evacuations. These drills help us refine our procedures for a quick and efficient response to emergencies.

Classroom Safety

Every classroom is equipped with detailed emergency procedures and a "red bag" containing essential supplies. These resources empower teachers and students to act promptly and effectively in critical situations.

CN's Commitment to Safety

CNHS is committed to providing a safe learning environment for all students. Through ongoing education, training, and practice, we strive to be prepared for any emergency.

Comprehensive Safety Plan

Our school's comprehensive safety plan is reviewed and updated annually. Parents can access a copy of this plan at the school's Main Office.

Parent Informational Handout